Ik ging naar Susan in de periode dat ik werd behandeld voor schildklierdisfunctie, ijzertekort en over het algemeen last had van grote vermoeidheid en uitputting. Na al een paar behandelingen voelde ik een enorme verbetering van mijn energieniveau, een betere nachtrust en hoop dat ik me weer goed zal voelen - wat uiteindelijk gebeurde. Combinatie van Susan's behandelingen en aanbevelingen - alle verschillende kwalen verdwenen en ik voelde een algemeen gevoel van welzijn en veel energie in slechts enkele weken. Ik zou de expertise en hulp van Susan absoluut aanbevelen aan iedereen die dat nodig heeft.

I went to Susan's acupuncture for nocturia.
I usually go to the bathroom 3-4 times from midnight to dawn, but I only had to go to the toilet once that day.
I had acupuncture done about once a week.
After that, it is cured in the number of times of toilet once or twice.
It was an amazing effect.
And the teacher Death who examines the inside as well as the affected part.
It also has a great healing effect.
I have been suffering from chronic back pain as well as knee inflammation. Susan was able to give me a complete relief very quickly and now I regularly receive preventive sessions . She was also so efficient in treating a persistent rash in only couple of sessions. I was skeptical about acupuncture at first but Susan lifted any of my reservations about it by her knowledge , results and benevolence
Susan helped me my sleeping problem with her needles.
At first she took time to ask about my life in general and what I felt not good about.
I was very comfortable talking to her.
Then depending on the day she changed her approach based on what she thought my body and mind needed.
Every time I felt very good with her session, but it is not only feeling in my head actually. When she starts treating me immediately my body reacts, such as my stomach starts making sounds. That shows that my stomach is moving. (Very strange for me, but not for her.)
After the each session I could sleep like baby at night.
My sleeping problem was a lot to do with my work stress. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep at all, but after I took bunch of her sessions my sleeping problems became much better.
And throughout her sessions I could learn naturally how to deal with stress better.
I think it is a very important point from this kind of treatment for people like me; a long term result. I trust her very much.

J'ai consulté Susan il y a quelques mois pour des séances d’acupuncture et elle m'a apporté beaucoup de bien et de sérénité. Elle a une écoute active et bienveillante. Pour les personnes qui sont anxieuse sur le fait de se faire piquer, rassurez-vous, vous ne sentirez rien, elle fait cela avec une douceur extrême. Elle a su s'adapter à mon besoin et m’a accompagné tout au long de mon parcours. Je la recommande sans réserve. Les bienfaits se font ressentir rapidement. Je ne peux que vous inciter à la découvrir…
I consulted Susan a few months ago for acupuncture sessions and she brought me a lot of good and serenity. She is an active and caring listener. For people who are anxious about getting stung, rest assured, you won't feel anything, she does this with extreme gentleness. She was able to adapt to my needs and accompanied me throughout my journey. I recommend her without reservation. The benefits are felt quickly. I can only encourage you to discover it…
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1 hr
120 euros45 min
80 euros1 hr
85 eurosEnded
120 euros